8 Daily & Weekly Allergy Hacks

All that sniffling and sneezing can be a bore. But managing your allergies so you can make the most out of your day doesn’t have to be a chore with these eight easy tips.

8 Daily & Weekly Allergy Hacks

All that sniffling and sneezing can be a bore. But managing your allergies so you can make the most out of your day doesn’t have to be a chore with these eight easy tips.

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This content is provided by Claritin Blue Sky Living®. Join for free today to get more ideas for allergy relief.

Tips for Allergy Sufferers

1. Change it Up

Allergens like those from pollen, pet dander, mold spores and dust mites can stick to your body, clothes and hair. To help reduce your exposure, make it a habit to remove your shoes, change your clothes and wash your hands and face when you come inside. And if your kids have allergies, make sure they do the same.

2. Shower at Night

Showering at night before bed can help make sure that allergens stuck on your hair and skin don’t curl up in bed with you. If your child has allergies, giving them a bath at night can also help.

3. Squeeze in a Power Cleaning

Dust is inevitable. But devoting 10 minutes a day to dusting and vacuuming can help reduce dust build up. Be sure to use a damp sponge or mop (a dry cloth can stir up allergens) and a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter or double bag. If you’re the one with allergies, try to delegate these daily chores to another member of the family. Or, wear a dust mask and gloves while cleaning to help reduce your exposure to allergens from pet dander and dust mites.

4. Wash Away Allergens

To help reduce allergens from building up in your bedding, wash it in hot water (at least 130°F) every week.1 Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions for safely cleaning your bedding and dry clean it if necessary.

5. Monitor Moisture Levels

Dust mites and mold thrive in warm, damp environments. You can get an inexpensive hygrometer (humidity monitor) at many hardware stores to measure your home’s humidity.1 When the humidity level rises above 50%, use a dehumidifier.

6. Check the Pollen Forecast Daily

The pollen forecast can change daily depending on a variety of factors, including the weather. The best way to be prepared is to check your local pollen forecast every day. Make sure to check for predominant pollen wherever you spend the majority of the day. For example, if your office is in a neighboring city, or even across town, use that ZIP code when you check.

7. Keep Allergy Meds on Hand

Of course, sometimes precautions aren’t enough. So be sure to always have your allergy medication on hand. That way, if you start sniffling and sneezing, you can take your medication and get back to enjoying your day.

8. Teach Kids to Be Allergy-Smart

Kids can be too busy during the day having fun to stop and take care of their allergies. But you can help them understand their condition and help minimize their exposure to allergens with these easy tips.

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Today's pollen forecast


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Information provided by Pollen.com